Showing posts with label Unknown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unknown. Show all posts

Little Mary of the IMP Company - Empress Theatre RPPC / Postcard - 1911

"'Little Mary' of the IMP Company" RPPC / postcard produced in 1911 by the Empress Theatre which once "catered to the intelligent" at 416 9th Street NW in Washington, DC. The front of the card features a nice portrait of Mary that was often used by IMP during her somewhat brief and largely subpar stint with the company (photographer unknown and incidentally, with Mary in a dress that she wears in her first IMP, Their First Misunderstanding (1911.)) 

Regarding the postcard, the May 6, 1911 issue of The Moving Picture News noted, "Manager [Marcus] Notes, of the Empress, is issuing postals to his patrons of 'Little Mary,' of the Imp Company. These are artistically gotten up and form an attractive souvenir. This house makes a practice of advertising in its lobby its program for the week, arranged not by the photoplay to be seen, but the manufacturer of the film. In the way Manager Notes is furthering the cause of the Independents in a most unique manner, calling attention more to the producer of the film rather than to the subject." Or perhaps, we can assume, in some cases advertising not by the photoplay to be seen or the manufacturer of the film, but the star.

Perhaps one of my personal favorite pieces in the collection. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Postcard - Photo by White? - 1914

Postcard featuring a Mary Pickford portrait by what I believe to be White Studio but I can be wrong about that. (Or maybe Gould & Marsden? Apeda?) The reverse advertises a July 24, 1914 screening of Never Again (1910) and When We Were In Our Teens (1910) at Marcus Loews' Royal Theatre at Pearl and Willoughby in Brooklyn, NY. Incidentally, those two shorts are among my favorites of Mary Biographs as she truly excelled at comedy and played best alongside Billy Quirk. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford with a cat and dove - Photographs by ??? - ca. 1913

Mary Pickford poses with a cat (while Mary posed with many cats, I do believe this one is "Gubby") in a photo by ??? My best guesses are Gould & Marsden (as it's very similar to that studio's portraits associated with the theatrical performance of A Good Little Devil,) Apeda, White, or maybe some other photographer all together. Signature appears to be in the medium. ca. 1913. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford poses with a cat (while Mary posed with many cats, I do believe this one is "Gubby") and dove in a photo by ??? My best guesses are Gould & Marsden (as it's very similar to that studio's portraits associated with the theatrical performance of A Good Little Devil,) Apeda, White, or maybe some other photographer all together.  ca. 1913. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford portrait - Photographer Unknown - ca. 1913

8x10 portrait of Mary Pickford with a stylized signature in medium, ca. 1913. Despite being marked, the photographer remains unknown at this time. I suspect it was a NYC-based studio but that is only a guess. It could just as well be from the west coast or anywhere in between. Do you know recognize the studio mark or know the photographer?

Tess of the Storm Country - photographs - 1914

Mary Pickford, posing like Tess on the cover of the book by Grace Miller (thank you to Pamela Short for pointing that out,) in a Tess of the Storm Country (1914) promotional photo. Photographer unknown. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) publicity still. It is worth noting that this very layout, with the paper label glued on recto, was imaged for the Krauss Mfg. postcard series for the film. Typewritten on verso is "I swears that I won't tell." From NZ.

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) "Tess steals milk for Teola's child" mini-lobbycard from Mary's Estate. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection. Not to be redundant, but written on verso seemingly in Mary's hand: "Mary Pickford in 'Tess of the Storm Country' first production 1914" 

Mary Pickford Postcards by Apeda

Mary Pickford postcard featuring a photo by Gould & Marsden? White? Apeda? It is marked Apeda Studio, but that doesn't necessarily mean much. The reverse is blank. c. 1913.

Mary Pickford postcard featuring a photo by White though marked Apeda. The reverse is blank. c. 1913. Incidentally, the dress she is wearing can be seen in Behind the Scenes.

Mary Pickford - Portrait - Unknown - ca. 1926

Mary Pickford portrait with stamped signature. I am unsure of the photographer of this portrait (and the  slew of others from the same sitting.) It might be K.O. Rahmn, Lindstedt-Phelan, Hesser, or simply someone else. ca. 1926. Do you know?

The Little American - Photographs - 1917

Mary Pickford as "The Little American" but an unknown photographer. 1917. On verso it is typewritten, "Courtesy Artcraft Pictures.  MARY PICKFORD IN HER NEWEST SUMMER FROCK. This photo shows one of the reasons why Mary Pickford purchased a round trip ticket from Los Angeles to New York and consumed ten days of her two weeks' vacation in behalf of her summer wardrobe. The picture also offers a striking contrast to the Mary Pickford of the days of '49 as will be disclosed on the screens shortly in her forthcoming Artcraft Picture, "A Romance of the Redwoods." Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

The Little American (1917) Artcraft A7-84 publicity still from NZ.

The Little American (1917) Artcraft publicity still from NZ.

Mary Pickford with a box of chocolates in The Little American (1917.) This graflex photo is hand-signed in ink, but was it Mary that did it? I do not believe so. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford in her victory garden - Photos - ca. 1917

Mary with a hose.

Mary inspecting limes.

These photos show, at least according to an article in the September 3, 1917 Artcraft Advance, Mary in the victory garden she created at her California bungalow in which she tended with the help of a "real farmer." In the article, Mary (or perhaps the Artcraft publicity department) stated "This is the first time I have ever given any personal attention to the nursing of a bean or a potato, and if I do not make a good Rebecca [of Sunnybrook Farm] it will not be because of lack of farm mannerisms." Photographer unknown. 1917. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Mary and Zorro - Photograph

A fairly common photo of Mary Pickford with her dog, Zorro. Photograph by ??? Perhaps Rahmn? If you know, please let me know. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford & Charles Rosher / Sparrows Photo 1926

Charles Rosher and Mary Pickford (in Sparrows (1926) costume) reviewing film. Photo by ?  Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford - Beagles / Rotary / Valentine Postcards

Beagles Postcard depicting Mary eating an apple. Photo by Muriel Straithmore. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Beagles Postcard depicting Mary with a cow. Photo by Ira L. Hill. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Beagles Postcard depicting "Mary Pickford as Pollyanna" (but is it really?) Photo by Evans. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Rotary Postcard depicting "Miss Mary Pickford." Photo by Moody. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Valentine postcard depicting "Miss Mary Pickford." This portrait is from one of Mary's many trips to Europe however the photographer is unknown at this time. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.