Showing posts with label Tess of the Storm Country. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tess of the Storm Country. Show all posts

Tess of the Storm Country - photographs - 1914

Mary Pickford, posing like Tess on the cover of the book by Grace Miller (thank you to Pamela Short for pointing that out,) in a Tess of the Storm Country (1914) promotional photo. Photographer unknown. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) publicity still. It is worth noting that this very layout, with the paper label glued on recto, was imaged for the Krauss Mfg. postcard series for the film. Typewritten on verso is "I swears that I won't tell." From NZ.

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) "Tess steals milk for Teola's child" mini-lobbycard from Mary's Estate. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection. Not to be redundant, but written on verso seemingly in Mary's hand: "Mary Pickford in 'Tess of the Storm Country' first production 1914" 

Tess of the Storm Country - Herald - 1914

Tess of the Storm Country / Famous Players herald. 1914. Additionally stamped for a West End Theatre [New York City] - Sunday April 19 screening.

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) - Postcards - 1914

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) Famous Players Postcard. "I'll take keer of the little 'un." Additionally stamped for Gem Theatre (Worcester MA) April 7 & 8 showings. Published by Kraus Mfg. Co. 1914

Tess of the Storm Country (1914) Famous Players Postcard. "God ain't forgot Tess." Additionally stamped for a Bijou Theatre (city unknown at this time) Jul 17, 1914 showing. Published by Kraus Mfg. Co. 1914

Mary Pickford, the celebrated film favorite, attains in “Tess of the Storm Country” a greater dramatic triumph than any that has yet distinguished her phenomenal career.

“Tess of the Storm Country,” the story of a woman’s heroism and her unconquerable faith, written by a woman who knows her sex, is a subject of inexhaustible fascination. The theme is full of uplift, and the dramatic situations often force a tear of which one need not be ashamed. 

Tess of the Storm County (1922) - Postcard - 1923

1923 Mary Pickford / Tess of the Storm Country '22 postcard advertising its showing at King's Cross Theatre in Darlinghurst, Australia. "Mary Pickford has made 'Tess of the Storm Country' all over again... and it's simply wonderful." Photo by Evans.

J. D. Walker's World Film / Famous Players / Hearts Adrift / Tess of the Storm Country / Photo by Sarony - Postcard - 1914

A very nice tinted postcard ca. 1914 advertising J. D. Walker's World Film (a British distributor of Famous Players Film Co. titles whose founder would go on to become the "Wal" in Walturdaw, which distributed First National titles) and Mary's films Hearts Adrift (1914) and Tess of the Storm Country (1914,) both directed by Edwin S. Porter. The photo is by Sarony and shows Mary in the same dress (but not vase, or anything else) that she wears in the opening shot of Tess '14. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.