Showing posts with label Evans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evans. Show all posts

Mary Pickford - Nelson Evans Photos

Mary Pickford by Evans Studio. Evans Studio mark handwritten in white ink on print. From Mary's estate. ca. 1921. Not that it matters, but I would say this may be my favorite of Evans many above-average portraits of Mary. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford by Evans Studio. Evans Studio mark in negative. From Mary's estate. ca. 1921. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford by Evans Studio. Evans Studio mark handwritten in white ink on print. From Mary's estate. ca. 1921. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford by Evans Studio. Evans Studio mark in white ink on print. From Mary's estate. c. 1921.

Mary Pickford photo by Evans c. 1920. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford photo by Evans for Tess of the Storm Country. Amusingly and erroneously captioned "Tests of the Storm Country." The photo is neither stamped nor marked as Evans and find it hard to believe Mary Pickford Company / United Artists would be responsible for producing photos with such an error, so I am not quite sure where this came from! c. 1922 (though the photo is probably c. 1921.) Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary Pickford posing in her wedding dress (marriage to Douglas Fairbanks, of course.) Portrait by Nelson Evans c. 1920.

“Curls, and rompers, ’n’ everything, particularly Mary of the Pickford clan as the world knows her best.” (Photo-Play Journal November 1920.) Mary Pickford in a photo by Nelson Evans. Photographer's signature handwritten in white ink and stamp on back. 1920. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Mary Pickford - Nelson Evans Photo with photographer's signature handwritten in black ink and stamp on back. 1920. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Mary Pickford - Nelson Evans Photo with stamped signature. Cropped. 1920. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Mary Pickford - Nelson Evans Photo with stamped signature. 1920. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Mary Pickford portrait by Evans (Walturdaw Pictures photo.) 1920. Part of NZ Photo Album.

Tess of the Storm County (1922) - Postcard - 1923

1923 Mary Pickford / Tess of the Storm Country '22 postcard advertising its showing at King's Cross Theatre in Darlinghurst, Australia. "Mary Pickford has made 'Tess of the Storm Country' all over again... and it's simply wonderful." Photo by Evans.

Mary Pickford - Beagles / Rotary / Valentine Postcards

Beagles Postcard depicting Mary eating an apple. Photo by Muriel Straithmore. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Beagles Postcard depicting Mary with a cow. Photo by Ira L. Hill. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Beagles Postcard depicting "Mary Pickford as Pollyanna" (but is it really?) Photo by Evans. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Rotary Postcard depicting "Miss Mary Pickford." Photo by Moody. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Valentine postcard depicting "Miss Mary Pickford." This portrait is from one of Mary's many trips to Europe however the photographer is unknown at this time. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.