Showing posts with label Card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Card. Show all posts

Hand-tinted Sarony and White Photo Cards - ca. 1915

These pieces seemingly belong to a series of nicely hand-tinted, oddly sized (4.625" x 6.5") photo cards featuring portraits by Sarony and White, ca. 1915. I do not have all too much information about them but I suspect they were produced by Kraus Mfg. Co. N.Y. as they're clearly quite similar to, and featuring the same portraits as several of their abundantly popular postcards. From Mary Pickford's Estate. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Photo by White.

Photo by Sarony.

Photo by Sarony.

Photo by Sarony.

Photo by White.

Mary Pickford - Ira L. Hill - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - postcard - 1917

3.25 x 5.25 postcard / theatre card from 1917 featuring a 1916 photo of Mary by Ira L. Hill. The card advertises a children's matinee of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm--among other films--at the City Opera House (city unknown at this time.)

The Eagle's Mate (1914) - Ira L. Hill - Princess Theatre Handout - 1919

4 1/8" x 7 1/4" Princess Theatre (city unknown at this time) handout featuring a painting of a portrait of Mary by Ira L. Hill and advertising a showing of The Eagle's Mate (1914) on Monday-Tuesday, March 10-11, 1919. It's interesting to see that film still making the rounds nearly 5 years later.

Real Photo Theatre Handout - Portrait by Moody - ca. 1916

 3 3/4" x  7 7/8" Real photo theatre handout featuring a portrait by Moody. Famous Players. ca. 1916. Unfortunately, not much information on this one though it seems to be a fairly unique piece.

Mary Pickford Tobacco / Cigarette / Chocolate / Theatre / Trading Cards

Many moons ago, one could acquire these small cards (tobacco cards, cigarette cards, chocolate cards, theatre cards, trading cards, etc.,) not more than a few inches in size, in a pack of cigarettes, from a machine at the arcade, as a hand out at the local theatre, or via some other means. Some were printed while a good many are actual photographs.

Issued in 1913, this Major Drapkin & Co. Cinematograph Actors series card shows Mary during her IMP days and is reportedly the first tobacco card she appears on (or at least, one of, as this particular series had two unnumbered Pickford cards, the other being marked Biograph.)

The cards below, some of which have been trimmed, were gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Chocolate E. Juncosa card from Spain. Photo by Melbourne Spurr.

Kinema  / Franklin Theatre Card. Trimmed. Advertising Captain Kidd Jr. screening. Photo by Hartsook. 1919.

Photo by Hartsook. Trimmed.

Sequoia Theatre card. According to the inscription on a music box given to Mary by her then husband Douglas Fairbanks in 1930, this portrait by Hartsook was his favorite photo of her. Trimmed.

Photo by Hartsook.

Kinema Theatre card.  Trimmed. Advertising a M'Liss screening. Photo by Hartsook. 1918. 

Photo by Hartsook (showing Mary at her one-time leased home (1917-1918) at 1519 N. Western in Hollywood.) Trimmed.

Photo, often used in Artcraft advertising, by Campbell Studio.

Photo by Moody.  Trimmed.

1931 Penny Magazine (England) card. Photo by Campbell Studio.

The New T & D Theatre card. Trimmed. Advertising A Romance of the Redwoods. 1917.

Cinema Stars cigarette card. Photo by Campbell Studios.

Ringers Cigarettes Cinema Stars card. Photo of Mary in a Lanvin dress by Rahmn. c. 1921.

The New T & D Theatre card. Trimmed. Advertising Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 1917.

Kinema card. Trimmed.  Advertising, erroneously, Good Little Rich Girl, A.K.A. The Poor Little Rich Girl. 1917.

The New T & D Theatre card. Advertising A Little Princess. 1917.

Mary Pickford as Rags card. Photo by De Gaston.

T & D Theatre card. Advertising Hulda from Holland. 1916. 

Kinema / Franklin Theatre card. Trimmed. Adevertising a Johanna Enlists screening. 1918.

The Spinet House - Spinet Cigarettes card. Photo by Lindstedt.

Kinema card. Mary Pickford, dressed as Rebecca From Sunnybrook Farm, and William S. Hart. Trimmed. Advertising a The Little American screening. 1917.

De Reszke (England) cigarette card. 

Lambert & Butler (England) cigarette card. Late '20s.

Salem Cigarettenfabrik (Germany.) 1931. Photo by Hesser.

Omega Cigarette Factory card. Photo by G.L. Manuel Freres.

JOB Cigarette card. Photo by Melbourne Spurr.

Postcard with photo by White Studio - ca. 1913

Oddly-sized postcard or souvenir card at 3.75" x 5.75" featuring a portrait of Mary Pickford by White Studio. ca. 1913.

Miscellaneous Tobacco / Cigarette / Theatre / Trading Cards

These cards were gifted from the Pamela Short Collection. Be sure to check out the Mary Pickford cards.

Jack Pickford.

Jack Pickford.

Jack Pickford. Photo by Hartsook.

Lottie Pickford

Douglas Fairbanks.

"Doughlas" Fairbanks.

Charles "Buddy" Rogers.

Owen Moore 1.

Owen Moore 2.

Corinne Griffith, Norma Talmadge, Peggy Hyland, Shirley Mason, Mary Dibley.