Showing posts with label Johanna Enlists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johanna Enlists. Show all posts

Mary Pickford Tobacco / Cigarette / Chocolate / Theatre / Trading Cards

Many moons ago, one could acquire these small cards (tobacco cards, cigarette cards, chocolate cards, theatre cards, trading cards, etc.,) not more than a few inches in size, in a pack of cigarettes, from a machine at the arcade, as a hand out at the local theatre, or via some other means. Some were printed while a good many are actual photographs.

Issued in 1913, this Major Drapkin & Co. Cinematograph Actors series card shows Mary during her IMP days and is reportedly the first tobacco card she appears on (or at least, one of, as this particular series had two unnumbered Pickford cards, the other being marked Biograph.)

The cards below, some of which have been trimmed, were gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Chocolate E. Juncosa card from Spain. Photo by Melbourne Spurr.

Kinema  / Franklin Theatre Card. Trimmed. Advertising Captain Kidd Jr. screening. Photo by Hartsook. 1919.

Photo by Hartsook. Trimmed.

Sequoia Theatre card. According to the inscription on a music box given to Mary by her then husband Douglas Fairbanks in 1930, this portrait by Hartsook was his favorite photo of her. Trimmed.

Photo by Hartsook.

Kinema Theatre card.  Trimmed. Advertising a M'Liss screening. Photo by Hartsook. 1918. 

Photo by Hartsook (showing Mary at her one-time leased home (1917-1918) at 1519 N. Western in Hollywood.) Trimmed.

Photo, often used in Artcraft advertising, by Campbell Studio.

Photo by Moody.  Trimmed.

1931 Penny Magazine (England) card. Photo by Campbell Studio.

The New T & D Theatre card. Trimmed. Advertising A Romance of the Redwoods. 1917.

Cinema Stars cigarette card. Photo by Campbell Studios.

Ringers Cigarettes Cinema Stars card. Photo of Mary in a Lanvin dress by Rahmn. c. 1921.

The New T & D Theatre card. Trimmed. Advertising Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 1917.

Kinema card. Trimmed.  Advertising, erroneously, Good Little Rich Girl, A.K.A. The Poor Little Rich Girl. 1917.

The New T & D Theatre card. Advertising A Little Princess. 1917.

Mary Pickford as Rags card. Photo by De Gaston.

T & D Theatre card. Advertising Hulda from Holland. 1916. 

Kinema / Franklin Theatre card. Trimmed. Adevertising a Johanna Enlists screening. 1918.

The Spinet House - Spinet Cigarettes card. Photo by Lindstedt.

Kinema card. Mary Pickford, dressed as Rebecca From Sunnybrook Farm, and William S. Hart. Trimmed. Advertising a The Little American screening. 1917.

De Reszke (England) cigarette card. 

Lambert & Butler (England) cigarette card. Late '20s.

Salem Cigarettenfabrik (Germany.) 1931. Photo by Hesser.

Omega Cigarette Factory card. Photo by G.L. Manuel Freres.

JOB Cigarette card. Photo by Melbourne Spurr.

Mary Pickford at Camp Kearny, CA - RPPC and Photo 1918

Mary Pickford, Honorary Colonel & Godmother of the He-Men--the 143rd Field Artillery of the California National Guard-- was the guest of honor at Camp Kearny, San Diego County CA on February 9, 1918. These troops can be seen in Mary's film Johanna Enlists. All are RPPC with the exception of the smallest photo. I assume these were issued by the Kearny Photo Service but I can not say with all certainty. Gifted from the Pamela Short Collection.

Mary on Dotty Dimple (erroneously identified here as Dolly,) an old race horse that was the "pet of the regiment." 

Colonel Ralph J. Faneuf presents Mary with a loving cup from the 143rd. In her address to her regiment that day, Mary said, "I think the loving cup you have presented me is beautiful, and it shall have the place of honor among my treasures; but if it had only been a little smaller, I would have liked to wear it on a chain around my neck where it could bump against my heart and be a constant reminder of you all, every minute of the day."

Mary with Colonel Faneuf and Lt. Colonel Fred W. Petersen.

Mary handing Bud Heathorn  a smileage book (good for tickets at cantonment liberty theatres in the USA and France.)

The Little Torontonian Mary kissing the American flag at Colonel Faneuf's tent.

Mary presents the regiment's standard. (L-R) Lt. Colonel Petersen, Mary, Colonel Faneuf.

Mary on Dotty Dimple again.

Colonel Mary Pickford - Photograph - 1918

"Colonel Mary Pickford." While not specifically associated with Johanna Enlists (1918,) this popular publicity still is often paired with the film. Incidentally, the photo was taken outside of Mary's Famous Players-Lasky Studio bungalow. To set the record straight, there are several photos taken in the same general area of the studio that are often erroneously noted as being Camp Kearny. Artcraft still from NZ.