Showing posts with label The Call to Arms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Call to Arms. Show all posts

Moving Picture Sales Agency - Biograph Postcards - ca. 1910

Biograph Masterpiece “Ramona” postcard issued by UK’s Moving Pictures Sales Agency (AKA M.P. Sales Agency AKA MPSA.) This RPPC shows Mary and Henry Walthall as seen in the film directed by D.W. Griffith.  ca. 1910.

It can be assumed that the two postcards below, while not conclusively identified as being issued by MPSA,  were in all probability, likewise issued by the agency. While they are printed as opposed to being RPPC, the similarities in design, wording, etc. are undeniable and of course, the MPSA was the UK distributor of these Biograph titles.

Biograph Masterpiece “The Call to Arms” postcard presumably issued by UK’s Moving Pictures Sales Agency (AKA M.P. Sales Agency AKA MPSA.) This printed card shows Mary as seen in the film directed by D.W. Griffith. ca. 1910.

The Arcadian Maid
(or An Arcadian Maid) postcard presumably issued by UK’s Moving Pictures Sales Agency (AKA M.P. Sales Agency AKA MPSA.) This printed card shows Mary and Mack Sennett  as seen in the film directed by D.W. Griffith. ca. 1910.